Sample Request Form

What is your domain / business?

Please select the primary business you want to leverage, the CAiFE chatbot.

What actions you want the Chatbot to handle?

Actions are workflows that defines your business needs. For example, a restaurant may have "book a table" as an action that a chatbot can assist with.

What are the details the chatbot has to collect in the workflows selected?

Each workflow requires the chatbot to collect various key information, such as name and number of people for reserving a table.

What are the static information you want the chatbot to know?

Static information is details like the hours of operation and the address a customer may like to know.

Provide us with your business information:

Information about your business.

Thank you so much! Your information is complete!

We will assess your information and will send an email to you once you click the submit button.

Click on the submit button to continue.

Submission is successful! We'll get back to you ASAP!

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